Selected Publications
Guthrie JL, Teatero S, Hirai S, Fortuna A, Rosen D, Mallo GV, Campbell J, Pelude L, Golding G, Simor AE, Patel SN, McGeer A, Fittipaldi N, Ontario CNISP Hospital Investigators. Genomic Epidemiology of Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections Among Hospitalized Individuals in Ontario, Canada. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020; jiaa147. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiaa147
Pickering B, Lung O, Maguire F, Kruczkiewicz P, Kotwa JD, Buchanan T, Gagnier M, Guthrie JL, Jardine CM, Marchand-Austin A, Massé A, McClinchey H, Nirmalarajah K, Aftanas P, Blais-Savoie J, Chee H-Y, Chien E, Yim W, Goolia M, Suderman M, Pinette M, Smith G, Sullivan D, Rudar J, Adey E, Nebroski M, Côté M, Laroche G, McGeer AJ, Nituch L, Mubareka S, Bowman J. Highly divergent white-tailed deer SARS-CoV-2 with potential deer-to-human transmission. bioRxiv; 2022. p. 2022.02.22.481551. doi:10.1101/2022.02.22.481551
Guthrie JL, Delli Pizzi A, Roth D, Kong C, Jorgensen D, Rodrigues M, Tang P, Cook VJ, Johnston J, Gardy JL. Genotyping and Whole Genome Sequencing to Identify Tuberculosis Transmission to Pediatric Patients in British Columbia, Canada, 2005–2014. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2018;218: 1155–1163. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiy278